Wednesday, November 11, 2009

pardon me, but suck it...

so, that's my modo for now....anyone who asks how i'm doing, i tell them that i want to tell everyone they can suck it. and no, i don't have anything for them to suck, but the phrase just rolls off my tongue easily i guess.

all the little things are rrreeeeaaaalllllyyyy getting to me now. for instance, the 2 guys at wawa that are using only one monitor to order food, yet decide to stand in front of 2 of them, during lunchtime rush hour nontheless. and yes, to add to that, they were also old - so we had 2 old guys that didn't know how to work ONE of the monitors, and they were taking up 2 of them.....hey old man, MOVE IT! but, no, i didn't say that. i ended up waiting for the one at the end to open up and went down there, but yes i was cursing the fact that old people shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of any sort of computer operated machine.

and, so, it's been 2 days now i've been back at the trailer...with my door shut. it doesn't really help cause i can still hear THE laugh, and it seems that the air system just carries their stinch into my office anyhow.

i'm trying to be patient. i gave my doc an update and she said she wants me to come in to talk about stuff. and she uped my lamictal a little to try and help out a bit. the bad part though, i couldn't get an appt until next Wed...awesome...i should soooooo ready to go off about everything by then.

oh, and also, i have a big meeting for one of my projects on Mon...not looking forward to that ONE BIT! i'm gonna be surrounded by lawyers, geotechnical experts, financial experts, and construction experts...sweet, a bunch of men that will refuse to admit they are wrong, and who are experts at doing so. CANT WAIT!

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