Tuesday, April 20, 2010

still here

don't really have a lot to say. not a bad thing, just been stayin busy.

i'm down to 203.

i've realized my entire life is about working out and losing weight now. someone asks what i've been up to and the only thing i can think of is to either talk about my workouts or the way i've changed my eating habits...so usually i just say "not much". i don't think its a bad thing that that is all i do...i actually look forward to it now - well not the food part cause i'm not the best cook and with limited ingredients it sometimes gets boring. i've realized that finally limiting ALL the things i used to do to only what is necessary has been a good balance for me.
i am still able to put my foot down about work when they try to trick me into working on a million things at once - i just get my work done within my regular work day, and that's it, i'm outta here. i finally don't feel guilty about it. i am a little worried cause i just got told last week that one of my other projects is kicking back up BIG TIME, and we have an expert report due by the end of may, so that means i will have to take a break from the bridge to go back to the main office to work. not bad because the atmosphere will be better...just worried that my regular schedule and balance will get thrown off, because i know they will constantly try to get me to work 10/11/12 hour days, but i refuse to let that happen. i already put my foot down and said that i understand they will need me to work some longer hours, but I WILL be leaving at a reasonable time in order to make sure i work out and have some down time...because if i can't maintain myself, then they won't get efficient work from me anyhow. it feels good to stand up for myself.

other than that, things have been good. staying pretty busy cause of my working out, working at my main office here and there, and then having my EMT refresher 2 nights a week.

things have been really good between me and nick. seems like we've been having a lot of fun lately, and i feel like it's partially because i've been better at letting things go and just doing what i do.

besides that, not much to say.

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