Friday, April 9, 2010

wow, didn't realize how much better i feel until this week.

so, this week has been SUPER busy, which equals zero sleep. and it hasn't been until this week that i realized how much better i had been feeling energy wise...up to this point of course.

work has been busy, i started my EMT-B refresher class, i've been working out, and i've been working longer hours each day in order to get off early today to take someone to the airport. and it really doesn't seem like much, but its enough to drain me. so i'm realizing that cutting back all the millions of things i was doing before and just sticking to my "me" schedule has been so helpful for getting good energy and keeping up with things.

so, note to self: self, the minimal and regular schedule is best. stand your ground and don't let anyone screw that up!

good thing the EMT refresher is only through the end of the month.

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