Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i don't understand

i just went to subway for lunch. i was sitting there, and i overheard a conversation that a couple of guys were having not too far from me. it went like this:
"hey man, what's up? what have you been up to?"
"aw, nothing. working. or at least trying to look like i'm working so i get paid, but just looking busy and really not doing anything. it's good to get paid to do nothing."

seriously! ugh! i think this is why i hate to love my job. i work hard, i try to do the right thing...and then there are people like this that fly under the radar - doing nothing - yet getting paid for it. and they are perfectly ok with it. i, on the other hand, get the opposite feeling. i feel like if i'm not doing something then i'm not right, or i'm not working hard enough and i stress myself out over it. i know i said i don't want to go above and beyond anymore, and that i want to be a regular employee - but as much as i say that, there's no way i'm gonna back down from doing extra stuff, cause i just feel weird if i'm not busy, and i'm a sucker to do what i can to help everyone else. i love being busy, but i hate that it overwhelms me. i wish i could find a balance.

i'm just amazed that people can be ok with themselves and feel like they are perfectly fine doing nothing. like the guy that sits in the office next to me and stares out the window all day long - AND then comes in for overtime on saturdays to do the same thing. i just don't get it.

i should start my own business that goes to places and sneakily (is that a word?) follow people and monitor them to see if they are actually doing anything. and then getting rid of the slackers so that people who truely want to work and be efficient can have a job and it would help take the stress off of other people who have to pick up the slack.

UGH. makes me sick. i'm glad my parents raised me better.

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